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The Advocacy Committee sets MOCIL’s legislative agenda, implements strategies around the legislative priorities, and disseminates information related to these legislative priorities and other issues impacting people with disabilities and centers for Independent Living.
In addition, the advocacy committee organizes various advocacy activities including MOCIL’s annual advocacy day at the Capitol.
Your voice is needed!
We must let the Governor and our legislators know that Missourians with disabilities want to remain independent in their own homes and active within their communities. Our state lawmakers need to prioritize funding to support critical personal care services, remove barriers, and provide parity for Missourians with disabilities.
Take ActionMOCIL FY24 Legislative Priorities
Our mission is big, and the stakes are clear. At MOCIL, we stand up to adversity and break through barriers;
we unite in the message that we are stronger together.
We envision a state where people of ALL disabilities,
ALL ages, receive safe, quality care and the funding necessary to deliver those services. We want to see
people in Missouri thrive.
MOCIL will continue to serve people with disabilities and advocate until there is
parity for all.
Spring advocacy day at the Missouri State Capitol
- Increase $1 million in the Independent Living Budget to bring us closer to the national average.
- Look for alternative funding revenues for the IL Fund
- Restore the 60% CDS Cost Cap to 100%
- HCBS Rate Increases–
- CDS – 25%
- InHome – Advocate for an increase in APC Rate due to specialized care/training of staff.
- Support the funding increase of MMAC increase in staffing.
- Champion funding for transportation funding especially in rural areas
- Maintain funding for NME program
- Add the 5th Core of Transitions to the regulation language for CDS Vendors to “share the philosophy” of 5 core services instead of 4 core services.
- Champion improvements to Ticket to Work
- Champion efforts for statewide affordable housing units
- We support legislation shifting the burden of proof from families to districts in due process disputes.
- We support legislation to require parental consent for any changes to a student’s IEP.
- Oppose Managed Care
- Work to change regulations to allow Med Techs to be able to set up weekly medications for clients in the In-home Program under the supervision of an LPN.
- Monitor for Voting Access Legislation
Talking Points
Join us in advocating for continued funding for Centers for Independent Living.
Download PDFParity For All
MOCIL believes in Parity for ALL. Across the board People with Disabilities face adversity in many different ways. We stand up to adversity and boundaries; we unite in the message that we are stronger together.
ALL Services • ALL Rates • ALL Disabilities • ALL Ages