What are the Benefits of Membership in MOCIL?
- Monthly updates and direct conversations with V.R., DSDS, the Governor’s Council and MOSILC
- Networking opportunities with Centers working towards shared common goals
- Updates on potential funding sources for Centers
- Invitation to MOCIL Legislative Day at the Capitol
- Access to MOCIL annual meetings and partner presentations as well as meetings with directors and key staff from state agencies.
- Information on best practices from the IL, CDS and In-Home workgroups
Becoming a Member
Membership of member CILs shall include and not be exclusive of any freestanding CIL which:
- Has its primary office or will have its prospective primary office located in Missouri;
- Chooses to affiliate with Missouri Centers for Independent Living;
- Pays annual dues and fees;
- Is not a member of any association that conflicts with the priorities or strategies of MOCIL or the legal requirements of a 501(c) 3
- Is recognized as a Center for Independent Living on the federal level by the Administration for Community Living and by the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation in Missouri.
- Chooses to coordinate its public policy agenda with other MOCIL members. Members are committed to working in partnership with all elected officials on behalf of their constituents with disabilities.
Because members are concerned about the perception of Centers throughout the state, we agree:
• MOCIL will not be involved with or participate in intimidation, disrespectful tactics, or actions involving harassment. MOCIL offers reasonable approaches to issues.
• MOCIL is committed to keeping the lines of communication open, even when we do not agree with elected officials.
• We are accountable for our programs and will provide accurate information when requested to do so
7. Conducts itself in a respectful and professional manner in all MOCIL-related business
8. Additional CILS from adjoining states may be members as long as they are in good standing in their State and meet federal regulations of a CIL
Any member of MOCIL may have their membership rescinded by vote of 2/3 of total membership.
Prospective members that meet the criteria for membership in MOCIL, may apply for membership as follows:
- Prospective member sends written request (letter or e-mail) to MOCIL president indicating an interest in pursuing membership.
- MOCIL members vote on whether to invite prospective member to attend meetings as a prospective member.
- Once approved applicant receives: Mission, Vision, By Laws, meeting dates, annual dues + current cost of MOCIL lobbyist, and list of current members.
- The Executive Director of prospective member CIL is invited to attend two (2) meetings. For purposes of being considered for membership, Executive Director may not send designee in his/her place (though designee may attend along with Executive Director).
- At end of second (2nd) meeting, prospective member will be asked whether interested in pursuing membership. If so, s/he will be asked to state how MOCIL membership could be mutually beneficial to their CIL and to MOCIL. In addition, MOCIL members will be given an opportunity to ask questions.
- Prospective member will be excused from meeting and MOCIL members will vote on membership request.
- Prospective member will be notified of outcome of vote by phone call to be followed up in writing by MOCIL president within five (5) business days. Copy of letter/e-mail is forwarded to Secretary to maintain with MOCIL records.
- Those not invited to join MOCIL may re-apply for membership after 12 months or at discretion of membership. The above process (including written request) will again apply.
- When unusual circumstances exist, member centers may bypass the above application process and offer a CIL immediate membership into MOCIL by a majority vote.
The annual dues shall be:
- Established by MOCIL,
- Subject to change by majority vote of MOCIL,
- Invoiced by July 31, (d) paid no later than the day of the annual meeting,
- Paid by discretionary funds (e.g., fundraising, consulting, or fee for service) since MOCIL meetings are closed to non-members.